Student Loan Debt Relief
Timothy Walt

If someone walked up to you and said, “Hey, do you have an hour or less to answer a few questions and do a couple of annoying tasks?” would you do it?

What if this inconvenience could pay you $5,000? $10,000?? $20,000???

Well, it’s finally here…maybe. The government has decided to give student loan borrowers some relief on their debts. There are all kinds of rules and requirements for the different levels of relief and having researched all of this for you, thinking I would write a comprehensive article, I can tell you: the rules are complicated and are different for different people.

Why? Because we all have some degree of:

I’ve read articles from Forbes , to Investopedia , to the government student aid website. And no matter how comprehensive the site is, it does not feel much clearer. In fact, the more comprehensive, the more your eyes will tear up! And, things change based on the date your reading about it!

This is why I realized that another comprehensive article woud be a waste of time.

So cut the fat and just go to one (or all) of these student aid links, whether you think you qualify or not:

This byzantine system will make your mind spin, almost guaranteed, but if you have student loan debt, it is worth your time to explore and basically start applying to everything until you are certain that you do not qualify.

I emphasize “certain” for a specific reason: It is easy to start feeling confused and decide something along the lines of, “I give up! I probably don’t qualify anyway!”

This is understandable, but remember what I said at the top about what if you were asked to spend an hour on something annoying, would you do it?

For $5,000?



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